• 1 $ = 154.76 ¥ (+ 0.0000)
  • 1 € = 165.55 ¥ (+ 0.0000)

METER for YAMAHA scooters RIVA 200 (XC200T) 1987 year

METER for scooters YAMAHA RIVA 200 (XC200T) 1987 year


Original part number
Req. Qty
Price (1 pc.)
1 1XX-83510-A0-00 Speedometer Assembly quote request
2 1XX-8351A-A0-00 . Meter Assembly quote request
3 25J-8353G-00-00
. Case Upper quote request
4 25J-8353H-00-00 . Case, Inner quote request
5 97780-40116-00 . Screw, Tapping 4 185 ¥
6 97602-02310-00 . Screw, Pn/Hd.W/Wshr discontinued
7 25J-83546-00-00 . Bolt discontinued
8 98580-04010-00 . .Screw, Pan Head 1 76 ¥
9 92901-04100-00
. Washer, Spring 1 87 ¥
10 92901-04600-00
. Washer 1 76 ¥
11 25J-83520-00-00 . Socket Cord Assembly quote request
12 25J-83517-00-00 . Bulb (12V-3.4W) 327 ¥
13 25J-83595-00-00 CLAMP discontinued
14 95301-04600-00
. Nut 1 131 ¥
15 25G-8355X-00-00 Bracket Meter 1 discontinued
16 25G-83543-01-00 Damper, Bracket discontinued
17 95701-06500-00
.Nut, With Washer 2 76 ¥
18 25G-8355Y-00-00 Bracket Meter 2 discontinued
19 25G-83543-01-00 Damper, Bracket discontinued
20 95701-06500-00
.Nut, With Washer 2 76 ¥
21 25G-83550-00-00 Speedometer Cable discontinued
22 93210-14104-00
.O-Ring 1 94 ¥
23 102-25137-00-00 RING, STOP 1 207 ¥
24 31G-83390-20-00 Audio Pilot Assembly (22J-83390 discontinued

This catalog contains parts for scooters YAMAHA RIVA 200 (XC200T) 1987 year.

How to use parts catalog:

  1. Find the necessary group, for example: METER for YAMAHA RIVA 200 (XC200T) 1987 year.
  2. Determine the required spare part. for example:
    • 1 / 1XX-83510-A0-00 / Speedometer Assembly / make quote
    • 24 / 31G-83390-20-00 / Audio Pilot Assembly (22J-83390 / make quote
    and put items in cart (cart icon).
  3. If the spare part does not have a price and costs {upon request} — you can send a request to us and after receiving a response from the manufacturer we will let you know by e-mail.
  4. It sometimes happens that a spare part has several parts numbers — we ask you to check the correctness of the number selection or check with the manager of our company.

Average processing time in Japan is about 1 week after payment.

After the spare parts have arrived at our warehouse, you will be able to create a package (specify the data for shipment, choose a delivery method) — we will pack and inform the delivery cost. You pay, and we will send the package to you with a tracking number.

If you have questions about work — please do not hesitate to ask our manager by mail info@yumbo-jp.com