• 1 $ = 154.76 ¥ (+ 0.2300)
  • 1 € = 165.55 ¥ (+ 0.5600)

Spare parts for YAMAHA snowmobiles

This page contains spare parts catalogs for YAMAHA snowmobiles.

Spare parts catalog for Yamaha snowmobiles YAMAHA on Yumbo company website

On the site of our company YUMBO you can find the catalogs of spare parts for Yamaha snowmobiles. Everybody know the Yamaha Viking, Ventura — we have in the detailed catalog. Even if you are not looking for spare parts, you can always check how your equipment is arranged, which can be improved and supplemented. Quite often ordered generators, stators, runners, track rollers, guides — these are the parts that constantly need service.
You can order rollers 8ES-47310-00-00, 87M-47320-00-00, 8FM-47310-00-00, 8HP-47310-10-00, 8AC-47550-00-00 — on our website at manufacturer prices directly from Japan without intermediaries and with a quality guarantee.
In Japan, snowmobiles are used in the northern regions, tourist centers, ski resorts. In private use there are very few snowmobiles — there is simply nowhere to move on them and not every Japanese can go to the mountains only on a snowmobile — this can only be done in Russia, USA, Canada or Europe. Japan is a little different from the rest of the world. Therefore, many snowmobiles are made in these countries. In Japan, you can order spare parts for them at low producer prices.

Delivery of spare parts

We deliver parts worldwide by e-Packet, EMS, SAL or Sea to Vladivostok. You can order spare parts from us, wait for the spare parts from the manufacturer to come to our warehouse, we will pack. After payment for delivery, we will send the goods to your home. The goods processing process in Japan takes about 2–5 business days. Delivery by EMS by mail to the recipient takes about 1–2 weeks. Therefore, at best, you can receive an order within 10 days from the date of order. It is very fast to order goods from the manufacturer’s warehouse in Japan.

If you have any questions — please feel free to ask info@yumbo-jp.com