• 1 $ = 153.86 ¥ (+ 0.0100)
  • 1 € = 164.31 ¥ (+ 0.7600)

Spare parts for KAWASAKI UTVs

This page contains spare parts catalogs for KAWASAKI UTVs.

On our website you can find spare parts catalogs for almost all KAWASAKI UTV (Utility Task Vehicle) models.

Spare parts orders are carried out according to the manufacturer’s catalog numbers through the percentage form on our website or from the spare parts catalog. We try to update the price base constantly and adhere to high standards in work.

Quality warranty

Kawasaki parts are produced at manufacturers plants in Japan and around the world. We deliver spare parts from the manufacturer’s warehouses in Japan for approximately 1 week from the date of order.
We wanto to pay your attention to the fact that after paying for the order it will be very difficult to cancel or stop the order, we ask you to check all spare parts before ordering, if there are difficulties, check with the manager.

After receipt of the ordered spare parts to our warehouse, you can create a parcel, specify the data for shipment. We will pack and inform you the cost of delivery, you will pay for the delivery — we will send the goods. If you have any questions — please do not hesitate and ask manager by mail info@yumbo-jp.com