• 1 $ = 153.86 ¥ (+ 0.0100)
  • 1 € = 164.31 ¥ (+ 0.7600)

Clutch Tune Up Kit for YAMAHA snowmobiles VMAX 600 (VX600C) CA 1999 year

Clutch Tune Up Kit for snowmobiles YAMAHA VMAX 600 (VX600C) CA 1999 year


Original part number
Req. Qty
Price (1 pc.)
1 8CJ-00000-52-00 Clutch Tune-Up Kit VX500C 15 914 ¥
1 8CR-00000-51-00 Clutch Tune-Up Kit VX600C 1 19 402 ¥
2 90384-41242-00 . .Bush, Bimetal Formed 1 2 136 ¥
3 90387-0514U-00 . .Collar 3 600 ¥
4 90105-05644-00 . .Bolt, Flange 3 94 ¥
5 95607-05200-00 . .Nut, U Flange 3 109 ¥
6 90380-28237-00 . .Bush, Solid 1 1 831 ¥
7 90202-09227-00 . .Washer, Plate 6 98 ¥
8 8CR-17624-10-00 Roller, Comp VX500C 3 4 055 ¥
8 8CR-17624-20-00 Roller, Comp VX600C 3 4 055 ¥

This catalog contains parts for snowmobiles YAMAHA VMAX 600 (VX600C) CA 1999 year.

How to use parts catalog:

  1. Find the necessary group, for example: Clutch Tune Up Kit for YAMAHA VMAX 600 (VX600C) CA 1999 year.
  2. Determine the required spare part. for example:
    • 1 / 8CJ-00000-52-00 / Clutch Tune-Up Kit VX500C / 15 914 ¥ ( $103.43 )
    • 8 / 8CR-17624-20-00 / Roller, Comp VX600C / 4 055 ¥ ( $26.36 )
    and put items in cart (cart icon).
  3. If the spare part does not have a price and costs {upon request} — you can send a request to us and after receiving a response from the manufacturer we will let you know by e-mail.
  4. It sometimes happens that a spare part has several parts numbers — we ask you to check the correctness of the number selection or check with the manager of our company.

Average processing time in Japan is about 1 week after payment.

After the spare parts have arrived at our warehouse, you will be able to create a package (specify the data for shipment, choose a delivery method) — we will pack and inform the delivery cost. You pay, and we will send the package to you with a tracking number.

If you have questions about work — please do not hesitate to ask our manager by mail info@yumbo-jp.com