• 1 $ = 153.76 ¥ (+ 0.0000)
  • 1 € = 163.20 ¥ (+ 0.0000)

Spare parts for YAMAHA kartings

This page contains spare parts catalogs for YAMAHA kartings.

On our site, unlike many other companies, you can find unique spare parts catalogs specifically for Yamaha karts. We can say that karting is a sport with which the Formula 1 race begins. In childhood, many people dream of participating in races — this is quite feasible with Yamaha karting.

You can independently find the necessary supplies and order on our website. We will send them to you directly from manufacturers' warehouses in Japan. You need to determine the make, model and model code according to the year of manufacture.

As an example, RACE KART ENGINE (KT100P) | 1998 year. Next — you can find the necessary unit and order spare parts.

You can pay from a personal account on the site or from a bank card through PayPal, PayAnyWay and many others. All systems are certified and fully comply with international standards.